A good metaphor for what we actually see when we look at brain scans.

Mind Hacks: start the week with neuroscience:

Andrew Marr, the presenter, uses this lovely metaphor for brain scanning. It is like, he said (i paraphrase), looking at the outside of a darkened house at night, a house which contains someone moving from room to room turning on and off lights as they do. So when we look at an fMRI scan we might know which neural and/or mental ‘room’ they are in, but we’ve no idea what they’re doing there.

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General Psychology Lecture Podcast

Well, the experiment begins folks. I have created a Podcast of my lecture from this week. Try this out and listen using your favorite podcast client. Subscribe to https://danaleighton.edublogs.org/feed/ in the podcast client, and the newest podcast will be downloaded automatically.

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UPDATE (June ’06):
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