Catching up on Human Sexuality posting

I’ve been away from reading for a while, and getting back to the weblogs I read usually. Here are some interesting things from the web pertaining to Human Sexuality.

Petra Boynton’s blog covers the relationship between whether one-night stands are a good idea or not.

New research from a book called ‘The Rough Guide to the Brain’ claims that having sex early on in a relationship releases hormones that could lead to increased trust and intimacy. Which has been interpreted by some areas of the media as a green light for one night stands.

Unfortunately we can’t tell from just being told about hormone production whether this theory holds water. In order to truly test this we’d need to follow up in a long term study a group of people who don’t have sex on the first date and those who do and see who’s still together some time later.

Her blog also covers a British study about why women seek late (second trimester) abortions.

FigLeaf’s Real Adult Sex blog covers a “new” face of prostitution… The educated, adult, well-connected escort service, ala Pamela Martin and Associates, which is ready to spill its address book of Washington politicos.
A window into contemporary prostitution, in Society and Politics, on Figleaf’s Real Adult Sex:

two years of college, day job, well into adulthood, car and phone; and its benefits: security monitoring, only reputable neighborhoods and hotels, right to refuse calls, “technical” support. Note further there were up to 15,000 client phone numbers in Palfrey’s records so it’s not like she or her employees were hurting for work.

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Dana C. Leighton, Ph.D.

I am a social psychologist, broadly interested in the psychological basis of peace and conflict. I am working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a Program Analyst, leading our survey research to better understand how our disaster response is promoting equity in service delivery, workforce readiness, and recovery and mitigation efforts.

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