Implicit attitudes and children’s preferences for white people’s faces

Cognitive Daily covers a new article on implicit attitudes research on color bias (black people’s faces vs. white people’s faces). Nothing earth-shattering here, but it was done with children as well as adults, which expands the evidence that these biases are implicit and emerge at a relatively young age. How young is the question – and are we born with such implicit attitudes? That leads down the evolutionary psychology path…

Cognitive Daily:

For every age group, the association of white faces with good words was stronger than the association of black faces with good words: an implicit bias for white faces over black faces. The bias must have formed before the age of six, and is undiminished in adulthood. To make sure everyone understood the task, a similar test was given to measure preference for insects versus flowers. Everyone except six-year-old boys said they preferred the flowers, but when the preference was measured with the implicit task, even the boys showed an implicit bias for flowers.

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A new application that seems to solve one of my biggest issues in PodCasting lectures

Humble Daisy has created a $35 application that automates the synchronization of screen images and lecture audio in an enhanced podcast. It captures the lecture audio, and notes when you change slides, and creates all the chapter information.

This may be the boost I need to put my lecture notes into Keynote or PowerPoint format…

ProfCast – About ProfCast:


ProfCast is an application to record presentation given by a teacher. It records the audio, the slides, the animations and the timing of the slide change to publish the lecture as a Podcast after the presentation.


Make the process for recording a presentation and publishing it as simple as possible. More Importantly it was decided that no complexity should be added to the process of setting up for a presentation.


The interface was kept simple. More importantly we limited the number of questions asked prior to giving the presentation. Moreover we were able to keep the number of clicks to start a presentation to the same number that it would take if the presentation was simply done using PowerPoint or Keynote.

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