Advice for thrifty holiday shopping

David DeSteno has a very good Op-Ed piece on the best ways to avoid excess spending and impulse buying. He argues that willpower often fails because it is a finite resource (cf. Baumeister’s research on self-control as a limited resource, depleted on use discussed here earlier)*. Instead, he says, use feelings of gratitude. He describes an experiment that showed that feeling grateful resulted in more delayed gratification than neutral or positive feelings. Check it out.

Link to the article on

As hokey as it sounds, the solution to the shopping season’s excesses may lie in the very message of Thanksgiving itself.

* Caveat: this research is currently part of a replication project to see how strong the effect is. Stay tuned.

Published by

Dana C. Leighton, Ph.D.

I am a social psychologist, broadly interested in the psychological basis of peace and conflict. I am working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a Program Analyst, leading our survey research to better understand how our disaster response is promoting equity in service delivery, workforce readiness, and recovery and mitigation efforts.

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